After three mini vacations in 2011, we didn't take any vacations in 2012. While that did help our budget, it is beginning to take a toll. These last two months in particular have been very stressful for both Steve and I so hopefully we can schedule in a break soon.
Luckily, we got a one day getaway last fall to Yosemite with Maria. The girls talked about it for months after even though it was a less than 24-hour trip. We arrived at our hotel at midnight and was home again the next night by 9. When we woke the girls up upon our arrival at the hotel Steve told them to "get in the building" so for weeks after they would say "We need to pick up Maria at the airport and go to the building. And we'll sleep there and Catie will sleep in her pen" Ha, it was the first time Catie had been in a Graco playpen. So funny how they remember these things. Anna talked about it a lot!
They would love a trip to the snow. Eden thinks she wants to snowboard but when we tell her she has to wear a helmet she doesn't want to do it anymore. Maybe we can at least get a couple days to sled.
Here's hoping for a snow trip!
A pic from Yosemite snow last November:
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