Happy to join Jen @ Conversion Diary!
1. This video/app is cracking me up. OK Go is such a fun band.
We love this video of theirs too from Sesame Street:
2. Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan. Oh my, this book cracked me up. I usually wait at the libary for a book but I donwloaded this and so happy I did. I have no problem supporting a Catholic Dad with five kids. He described his wife as a "Shiite Catholic", ha!
3. I wanted to do a post like Colleen's all week but just never got around to it. I'm having lots of thoughts about parenting lately but I can't seem to get them all together.
4. Look at these sweet sisters:
5. Our favorite episode for the week is from the Backyardigans: Legend of the Volcano Sisters
At the park yesterday, they kept telling this boy they were playing with: "I'm Uniqua" (Eden). "I'm Tasha" (Anna) He was not amused. I have to say the songs from Backyardigans don't bug me much (yet) like Dora.
6. I'm thinking about ordering these glasses. I haven't had a new pair in like 15 years so it is about time.
7. I'm kind of obsessed with Top Shop and I'm so not into trendy clothes. But I ordered a TopShop shirt and houndstooth pants. Is houndstooth still in? Probably not but they match my black and white sandals.
I LOVE OK Go! Have you seen this one? The BEST.