Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter OTI

Camp Patton

Much thanks to a last minute TJ max trip for my Easter outfit! I'm loving all the Cynthia Rowley they have!

Good parking, good seats plus a great message (where do you see Christ risen?) equals happy Easter morning! Eden even wore her Easter dress (backwards, ever the individual) but I was pushing it with the sandals.

I got a pedicure yesterday and thought it was so funny to see so many guys there getting mani/pedis! One even turned the tv to basketball. My kind of salon!

This is the cutest Easter ever!!


  1. You look great and I absolutely LOVE your sweet girls in hot pink. Happy, Happy Easter to you and your family!!
    PS. You shoes are so stinking cute. LOVE!!

  2. Your girls are so pretty! They look darling in all that pink! And I love your sandals!
