Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kinder update

Eden has been in Kindergarten for three months now so I thought I should update.
August 2012

She met all of her IEP quarter objectives for the second quarter.
I think she has exceeded one of them. Her goal is to write numbers 1-10. The next week after her conference, she wrote 1-30 with chalk on the driveway, totally unprompted. I should have taken a picture.
Halloween Parade, 2012

Halloween with her teacher

At school, she likes to play Don't Break the Ice, play with putty, read Drowsy Dragon and Cranky Bear. She also counts all 100 days. She still doesn't fully participate in circle time but she likes it when it is her turn.
She had a Thanksgiving feast and when I asked what she ate she said, "Potato chips"! Yum, what is a feast without potato chips.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Eden at Yosemite

November 2008
November 2012 
Anna, Catie and Maria in Yosemite 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Five years at the pumpkin patch

Anna, 2010, 1 Year Old, didn't like the Merry Go Round

Eden 2009 Two Years Old
Eden 2009
Eden, 2008, 16 months old

Eden 2010, 3 years old
Eden and Mommy, 2008
Eden, Mommy and Anna, 2009

2011, Eden 4 and Anna 2

2012, Eden 5 Years Old

2012 Mommy, Catie (8Months) Anna (3Years)

2012, Eden

2012, Anna 3 Years Old

2012, Almost Family Pic (Catie was in the stroller)

2012, Catie and Mommy (And Uncle John's arm)

2012 Catie and Anna

2012, Mommy and her girls

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A first

Since I don't think this is a space in the baby book,

here is Catie's first time in the Costco cart, ha!
Seven months old!

Monday, June 4, 2012

So proud

Look who is so proud and happy that she rolled over!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yay for Moms

Great day! Girls were perfect at Mass, I got a Mom blessing. Steak dinner with my Mom, yum!
Eden's present was to set the table for dinner completely unprompted, so sweet! And a decadent chocolate mint cheesecake made by Steve!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Divine Mercy Baptism

We were so pleased to add Catie to the Christian family, April 15, 2012