Friday, July 30, 2010

Musical Daughter

Eden picked this book at total random today at the library. I tried to give her several choices and just as we were about to go she picked this one and sat at the little toddler table to read it. She named all the instruments except for the French Horn. In the big orchestra picture, she pointed out the cymbals. I had no idea she knew what an oboe and a bassoon were! It was very cute. Looks like she learned a lot a couple of weeks ago when we sent her to a music camp at her preschool. Or maybe she learned from her favorite show, Little Einsteins

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photo Booth ABC

Eden's dramatic rendition:
One of our favorite Sesame songs:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Some Garden Pics

The new garden at the house is coming along great. We ate a lot of sweet peas and Eden loved to pick them off and eat.
But it seems a little slower this year. We were just commenting how Steve was crazily canning peaches and apricots about this time last year. But they are still growing on my Dad's tree and our tomatoes our still pretty green but Eden is finding the red ones.....

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Steve has been working a ton lately and we are so grateful. If you know about freelancing, you gotta take the work while it's there because it could be gone again soon.
We are so thankful for the work since we know so many are struggling.
Eden has been on break from school for a couple of weeks but she is finding other ways to be crafty and I'm getting a home school kit for her this week to keep her busy. She said the best thing the other night when I turned on the TV after dinner, "I wanna watch baseball!" She knows how to make Mommy happy!
Anna is still crawling around and she pulls up a lot and cruises a little. She is doing this cute little catcher's squat too.
Summer time pics....