Friday, April 30, 2010

Goals update

Here is an update to the ten goals I posted at the beginning of this month:

1. We had a great Easter. We got to Mass early, even before the one before let out. We were able to get good seats and the girls were good. It was really cold and rainy that day but my parents came over and Steve made a great dinner. Ham, twice-baked potatoes, asparagus, spinach salad and chocolate cream puffs. Yumm!

2. I prayed the Chaplet everyday but didn't always include each daily prayer. This prayer has brought so much unexpected peace in my life, so grateful for God's mercy and St. Faustina.
3. We had SO much fun with Maria. She is such a great friend. 
4. Anna's baptism was a true blessing. Here is a picture with her godparents, Koz and Laura....
5. I've been studying like crazy for the Series 66. The class in San Francisco helped a lot. It also didn't hurt sitting next to this guy....
Oh and even though I wanted to see this guy who was in town that day for his tour-

I ended up seeing this guy walking down Market St. Funny!!

6. Ugh, I got sick this week so I postponed the test until next week, still studying......

7. Woo-hoo, the Subaru is PAID!
8. Wow, I surpassed my Swagbucks goal of 360 with 1937! If you do a lot of online searching, join with me and earn great prizes.

9. With all the studying, I didn't get much time to ChaCha. I only earned $4.

10. I'm not sure how great I did on the meal planning but one meal that I would like to pass along is Trader Joe's Steamed Clams with linguine. It was yummy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eight months old and on the move!

Anna is eight months old today and she has been "crawling" for a couple of weeks. I call it the injured animal crawl. She props one foot up and drags the other leg. Funny....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Anna's Baptism

Yay, Anna is officially a Catholic now. She was the only one that didn't cry, she loved it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Godmother and SF Fun

Yay! Maria has been visiting from Florida this past week. It has been so much fun!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Cuties

We only took pictures at home because it was FREEZING when we left church. Sad, no family portrait.