Sunday, February 28, 2010

Six Month Letter

Dear Anna,
Yay! You turned six months old this week on Thursday, February 25. You weighed 15 lbs, 11 oz and were 26 1/4 inches long.Here is a recap of your beautiful life so far:

We love you so much!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mass with loud kids

This is a constant problem for us that causes me a lot of stress and I hardly ever get stressed. So of course I am open to all suggestions. I feel really alone in this problem so thank you Patrick Madrid.....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Dinner

I want to brag about our dinner for Valentine's Day.
The salad was totally organic with items from our new farm co-op, eating with the seasons. It included red leaf lettuce, baby broccoli, watermelon radishes, carrots and grape tomatoes (from Trader Joes) but still organic. A yummy steak on sale from Safeway. A random pick wine, Camelot cabernet (not bad....) Two super yummy mini ice cream cakes from Cold Stone. Big mistake taking this picture in front of the toddler before actually eating dinner because all she saw was the Cold Stone cakes and was screaming out "I want birthday cake!!" She didn't understand my explanation of taking a picture for the blog.
We had a relaxing day with lots of cleaning and some organizing. Gotta love a valentine that cleans!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going Deep for God

We visited St. Lawrence and Fr. Thuc this past weekend. I took away two things from his homily.

1. Jesus told Peter to fish in the DEEP waters. Why? What could that mean for us? I think it means to get out of our comfort zone to get closer to Jesus. Where is that for me? Not sure.

2. Jesus called on the ordinary fishermen to do His work. Fr. Thuc said it is okay to be ordinary. Hmmm. I asked Eden if she was ordinary when he finished but she didn't answer.

A couple of thoughts to ponder and pray.............

Friday, February 5, 2010

SF Fun

We went to SF for Steve's birthday. After a short trip at MOMA, we visited Yerba Buena Gardens and had a great food court dinner at Westfield with our friends Chris and Elizabeth. No pictures of the birthday boy since he was behind the lens the whole time....


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our New House

We've been here for a few weeks and it is starting to feel like a home finally.
Here are few pics of our great new yard!